a student that has a passion for web and game developement
Status : In-Development
Status : In-Development
Status : Development halted
Education | I have studied 12 years in Parsa education institute and got my Diploma and im currently studying software engineering in USC university in Tehran |
Work | Iam a free-lancer web developer and i have designed multiple websites for manoshug shop and mr barazesh |
Game Developement | I am a self taught game developer that took Tom Looman's C++ course for it,I have created many projects and participated in multiple gamejams which you can view on my projects page and my itch.io |
Graphic design | Graphic desgin is a hobby of mine that i learned from Gamedev.tv's Blender course and have made many 3D-Models and Renders |
You can contact me by my social media or just fill the form below